Sunday, 9 November 2014


How to crack the admin's password without hacking

In a few short, easy steps, i'll tell you how to crack the password of an admin without hacking and no pictures needed

if she asks a question that doesn't have a word similar to "virus" than abort the plan immediately

NOTE this may work on more than one school computer.

I thought i would do this because that happened to me by coincidence and a comment i posted 1 month after

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Step 1: Pull a prank

now, in order to pull this off, we need to trick the teacher with a computer prank.

the prank we will use has been posted so many times that i will give you a link.

after that unlock the taskbar and drag it Down to the bottom

Step 2: Are you an actor?

now, wait a few minutes and use the computer. then say "the desktop is frozen, Mrs. whateverhernameis". let the teacher get on and click a few times maybe even let her restart the computer. WHATEVER SHE DOES, LET HER SAY THERE IS A VIRUS AND HELP THAT IDEA GROW AFTER SHE SAYS THAT FIRST OTHERWISE SHE WILL BE SUSPICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after that, tell her that the only way to get around the virus is to go on the admin account and then let her give you the password. note you must be sure the teacher is at the desk and you are alone or something.

this plan will fail if you aren't told the password. If that happens, look over the teacher's shoulder when she types in the password

Step 3: ENJOY

now enjoy your admin freedom!

If the plan failed, you will have to use software to crack the password since you cant use the plan again

this is only one-shot because multiple attempts with this method will make the teacher suspicious.

again, enjoy admin privileges while they last

here are some ideas:
1. change the admin password
2. unblock websites
3. put a password on the non-admin account and change that account to admin

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